City 0f Secrets Two; Epis0de One is the sequel t0 the 0riginal gemes, appreciated w0rldwide by gemesrs and reviewers, the gemes that successfully refreshed the classic adventure gemes genre, c0nveying it t0 the t0uchscreen devices.
Simple, intuitive c0ntr0ls, designed f0r t0uchscreen devices.
Carefully designed, hand~drawn backgr0unds.
All dial0g lines v0iced.
2 difficulty settings, f0r b0th the experienced and beginner players.
A challenging adventure enriched by l0gical challenges.
Versi0n; 1.2
Required andr0id; 2.3 & up
Size; 280 MB
D0wnl0ad all files bel0w
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City Of Secret Two Episode One Apk FOR Android
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