Showing posts with label Game Racing.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Game Racing.. Show all posts

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Download ; Great Big War Games Apk For Android

 New update with version 1.4.6 include  Download ; Great Big War   Games Apk  For Android
Great Big War Games '0nce the war is a little big f0r many pe0ple's 0bsessi0n with 3D turn~based strategy games, with traditi0nal SLG style, with the shape 0f the Y0um0huaji setting, d0 n0t have a sense 0f hum0r. While its devel0per Rubic0n M0bile als0 launched its sequel 'great big war' in the game y0u can c0ntinue t0 c0mmand y0ur tr00ps in the sea and air c0mbat with the enemy, acc0rding t0 the t0p0graphy 0f the battlefield (in temperate, jungle, desert and arctic terrain), & build a suitable f0rtificati0ns, & wise depl0yment 0f tr00ps. Great Big War Games, the single c0mbat m0de will be m0re rich c0ntent, 0nline multiplayer m0de will als0 be even greater impr0vement, & als0 added 0ther fun new things.
(Best Features)
    50 missi0n single~player campaign
    Asynchr0n0us multiplayer 0nline
    R0und 0perati0n & 0nline c0nfr0ntati0n and Artificial Intelligence
    Excellent visual effects
    Simple, intuitive c0ntr0l meth0d
    Hum0r0us st0ry
Versi0n; 1.4.6
Required andr0id; 2.3 & up
Size;  101 MB
PLAYST0RE Link; https://play.g00gle.c0m/
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Great Big War  Games  Apk For Android

Friday, June 14, 2013

Download ; Pocket Rally Apk For Android

New update with version 1.0.2,Download games Pocket Rally Apk For Android

P0cket Rally is an attempt t0 c0mbine the best 0f b0th 0ld school rally racing games & smart device experiences. Stunning visual graphics, realistic yet fun t0 drive car physics, all in the palm 0f y0ur hand. Take the rally racing anytime, anywhere with y0u!!!
Best Features;
     Highly detailed & precisely made car m0dels, beautiful & visually c0nvincing racing tracks l0cated in vari0us spectacular sceneries including m0untains, c0astline & ancient city ruins.
    Carefully tuned car physics t0 be b0th realistic & fun. Multiple gr0und surface pr0perties including tarmac, gravel & grass. Each car has unique driving characteristics, & will ev0lve thr0ugh the winning 0f races.
    4 c0ntr0l m0des & 3 camera angles (in~games t0ggleable) t0 ch00se fr0m.
    Strength adjustable AI 0pp0nents. Up t0 4 cars can race simultane0usly in a games.
    Intr0ducing the Replay M0de. Perf0rmed a perfect p0wer drift d0ing a hairpin turn & want t0 sh0w y0ur friends? T00 0ccupied in the c0mpetiti0n n0t able t0 admire y0ur 0wn driving technique & want t0 see it later? Replay M0de is the answer f0r y0u!!! The replay cameras are tail0red f0r each track, rec0rding the wh0le event fr0m best angles & play it back f0r y0u.
    2 main game m0des t0 play; Challenge m0de & Single Race m0de. Additi0nal cars & tracks can be unl0cked by winning challenges & t0 be ch0sen in Single Race m0de.
    P0cket Rally 0nly requires a 24+ MB d0wnl0ad. Hi~end devices are n0t required t0 run the games sm00thly. The l0ading is s0 fast it's literally sec0nds between launching the APP & grabbing y0ur driving wheel!!! Rally racing whenever y0u like, wherever y0u like
Versi0n; 1.0.1
Required andr0id; 2.1 & up
Size; 24  MB
PLAYST0RE Link; https;//play.g00gle.c0m/c0m.IMStudi0.P0cketRally
Instructi0n; Install apk & play

Download Pocket Rally Apk For Android   

Download ; SurvivalCraft Apk For Android

 New update with version,Download & play games SurvivalCraft Apk For Android
What's in this versi0n 1.21 changesNew her0 m0del t0 match 0ther animals
    Sharks in the 0cean
    Yell0w rays & br0wn rays, with dig ~ in behavi0r
    H0rses, five c0l0rs
    Leather & saddle
    H0rseriding mechanic & all ass0ciated elements
    Wire~thr0ugh bl0cks
    Better f0ur legged animals animati0ns; walk, tr0t & canter
    Animals cann0t jump 0ver fences 0r cacti
    Added whistle & cattle drive behavi0r
    Fixed many bugs
Required andr0id ; 2.1 & up
Size; 12  MB
Playst0re Link: com.candyrufusgames.survivalcraft
Instructi0n; Install apk
Download ; SurvivalCraft Apk For Android

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Download ; Kart Racers Apk For Android

 New update with version 1.0.3 Download & play games Kart Racers Apk for android.

D0 y0u have what it takes t0 finish first in this exciting racing games???
Its m0re exciting when y0u have s0me 0pp0nents wh0 will cause y0u tr0ubles 0n y0ur way t0 the finish line. They can be better than y0u & this way y0u have t0 be fast & ambiti0us t0 win.
Kart Racers is a game in which y0u can easly start the race & get m0st 0f car racing fun!!!
Versi0n; 1.0.3
Required &r0id; 2.1 & up
Size;  16 MB
PLAYST0RE Link; https;//
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 Kart Racers Apk For Android
Download  Link: CLICK HERE


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