Best Features :
A br& new & extended ST0RY M0DE which sees y0u driving cr0ss-c0untry during a z0mbie ap0calypse
8 VEHICLES at y0ur disp0sal, including a race-car, a truck & even a sch00l bus!!!
UPGRADES GAL0RE!!! Just unl0cking a vehicle isn't en0ugh, cust0mise each vehicle with a range 0f upgrades
Z0mbiesssssssssssss,,, Plenty 0f z0mbies,,, Be sure t0 intr0duce them t0 y0ur car's fr0nt bumper
A realistic ragd0ll physics engine that all0ws y0u t0 crash int0 z0mbies & send them flying!!!
Awes0me animated sequences
Sc0reloop supp0rt
CHALLENGE Y0UR FRIENDS f0r the best time in Champi0nship M0de
Survived the z0mbie ap0calypse? Smash thr0ugh pumpkins & unl0ck ACHIEVEMENTS in Hall0ween M0de
What's in this versi0n;
Fixed issues f0r a number 0f devices
L0ading screen n0w appears immediately with0ut delay
Versi0n 1.0.6;Made a few additi0nal min0r changes t0 the games
Versi0n; 1.0.6
Required andr0id; 2.1 & up
Size; 39 MB
"Read This Step Carefully"
- D0wnl0ad file fr0m link bel0w then install
- Inside zip y0u will f0und 2 apk; Earn t0 die Inject0r + Earn t0 die 106
- Install Earn t0 die inject0r first the launch the apk
- Cl0se inject0r.Apk then install Earn t0 die 1.0.6
- Launch & Enj0y the games
- Unlimited M0ney
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